
Udruženje za mikrotalasnu tehniku, tehnologije i sisteme (MTTS udruženje) je dobrovoljno, nevladino, neprofitno i vanstranačko udruženje...Pročitajte više


Na raspolaganju sa važna dokumenta MTTS udruženja.

Redosled konferencija

Pogledajte redosled najznačajnijih konferencija koje će biti održane u 2019. godini.


                Microwave Review - Vol. 30, No. 2, December 2024



             Serbia and Montenegro MTT-S Chapter  
    among the best IEEE MTT-S chapters worldwide

                               in 2024 !!!



           Dodeljene prestižne nagrade

           "Aleksandar Marinčić"

             za izuzetne naučne rezultate postignute u 2017. i 2018. godini.

             Imena dobitnika pogledajte ovde.



Nagrada "Aleksandar Marinčić"

U cilju podsticanja naučno-istraživačkog i inovacionog rada, Udruženje za mikrotalasnu tehniku, tehnologije i sisteme (MTTS udruženje) je ustanovilo godišnju nagradu "Aleksandar Marinčić", posvećenu akademiku prof. dr Aleksandru Marinčiću.


IEEE MTT-S Chapter

For more than 50 years the MTT-S has worked to advance the professional standing of its members and enhance the quality of life for all people through the development and application of microwave technology.

Microwave Review

Microwave Review is a publication of national Society for Microwave Technique, Technologies and Systems and Serbia and Montenegro IEEE MTT-S Chapter.

''Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world''

Albert Einsten

''The scientific man does not aim at an immediate results.

He does not expect taht his advanced ideas will be readily taken up.

His wort is like that of a planter - for the future. His duty is to lay foundation of those who are to come and point the way.''

Nikola Tesla

''Nothing has such power to broaden the mind as the ability to investigate systematically and truly all that comes under thy observation in life.''

    Marcus Aurelius

Značajni naučni događaji u 2019.

- konferencije

- stručna predavanja

All Events ⟶




Srebrno jezero, Srbija

Jun 3-6, 2019





ICEST 2019

Ohrid, Macedonia

Jun 28-30, 2019





Niš, Srbija

Oktobar 23-25, 2019


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