Open access

Microwave Review is fully open access journal, which means that all papers are available to all users immediatelly upon on-line publication on the journal web site.

Benefits of the open access are:

  • free access for all users worlwide;
  • increased visiabilty and readship.


Submission policy

Papers are accepted for publication on the understanding that

  • they have not been published
  • they have not been in press
  • they are not being considered for publication simultaneously elsewhere (they have been submitted solely to this journal)
  • they are not going to be submitted for publication elsewhere.

Authors should certify that neither the manuscript nor its main contents have already been published or submitted
for publication in another journal.


Copyright policy

Authors of the papers retain copyright to their work. 


Review process

Microwave Review is peer-reviewed journal.

Manuscripts must meet the high quality standards that have been established for this journal, reporting an original and previously unpublished authors’ results, as well as significant results of interest to the community. All submitted manuscripts are screened by Editor-in-Chief before they are sent out for external review. The Editorial board may reject a submitted manuscript without peer review if they judged the paper not to meet the journal minimum required qualifications (e.g. duplicate of already published paper, out of scope, poor quality of English). External review is used to help ensure the highest possible quality in the published manuscripts. Typically, two external referees are selected per paper on the basis of the subject matter and available external referees. Final decision to accept or decline a paper for publication in journal Microwave Review depends upon the Editor-in-Chief`s approval only.

Resubmissions of previously rejected manuscripts require a cover letter with a detailed response to the referee and editor comments. If the new manuscript does not address the reviewer and editor comments, it may be rejected without external review.


Processing Charges

Publication Fee: 300 EUR

Extra page publishing: 30 EUR

A publication fee for publishing in the Microwave Review will be obligatory for papers that are submitted after 1 August 2024.

  • After the article's acceptance, the corresponding author will be asked to pay an adequate publication fee.
  • The payment method will be notified in the acceptance letter.
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