Microwave Review - Vol. 14, No. 1, September 2008


Cover page

Editor’s Note

Efficient Field Computation Based on N-Port Methods

    F. Schlagenhaufer

A Novel Printed Full-Wave Yagi-Uda Antenna

    B. M. Reljić

Improvement of Impedance Matching of a Rectangular Printed Monopole Antenna

    B. B. Agrawal, V. R. Gupta

Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of a Planar Wideband Antenna

    S. R. Baev

Neural Network Model for Aperture Coupled Microstrip Antennas

    T. Bose, N. Gupta

The Linearization of Doherty Amplifier

    A. Atanasković, N. Maleš-Ilić, B. Milovanović

Throughput Analysis on BPL Networks

    E. S. Kapareliotis, K.E. Drakakis, H. K. Dimitriades, C. Capsalis

Advanced modeling and simulation methods for wireless networks

    J. Mohorko, M. Fras, S. Klampfer

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