Yugoslav IEEE MTT Chapter Informer - Broj 4, December 1996


Cover page

On the 40"' Anniversary of the Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN
    Milić R. Stojić
Si Micromachining for High-Frequency Applications
    Linda P.B. Katehi
Developments in the Transmission-Line Modelling (TLM) of Microwave Components
    Jonathan L. Herring, Wolfgang J.R. Hoefer
Aktivna antena sa rednom vezom tunelskih dioda
    Olga Borić-Lubecke, Tatsuo Itoh
The Temperature Compensation of the Dielectric Resonator Devices
    Mihailo Crnadak
Frequency Dependence of the Equivalent Gate and Drain Noise Temperatures of Microwave Transistors
    Vera Marković, Bratislav Milovanović, 0livera Pronić, Nataša Maleš-Ilić
Complex Resonant Frequencies Determination of Circular Cylindrical Cavity Loaded by One Lossy Dielectric Slab
    Bratislav Milovanović, Slađana Ivković, Nebojša Dončov, Dragan Đordević

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